


Staying Awake in ClassYou finally crawled into bed at four in the morning after finally finishing your English paper.Procrastination seemed like a perfectly acceptable option last night, but with the morning sun comesdebilitating regret. There’s no way around it: you need to remove yourself from the warm comfort ofyour bed, find your way to class, and keep your eyes wide open. You might think that this task isimpossible, you might as well spare yourself the embarrassment of falling asleep in class and stay inyour toasty blanket cocoon. However, students have been studying the science of how to stayawake in class for hundreds of years, and with their knowledge, you will soon be staying awake inclass like a professional.Before you go to bed, gather everything that you will need the next morning. No matter how tiredyou are at night, you will be even more so in the morning. Lay out everything from your schoolsupplies to your toothpaste, because it’ll be a nightmare you remember when you are an earlymorning zombie. Be sure to lay out a decent breakfast, because diet is truly the key to stayingawake when you’re falling asleep.Eat as soon as you wake up, because this will maximize the time for your body to start to digest yourbreakfast. It might seem like a good idea to skip breakfast and catch a few extra minutes of sleep,but fifteen minutes of sleep will never equal a decent breakfast. After you eat, hone in on yourcaffeine stores. Coffee is, easily, the most effective caffeinated beverage, but tea will serve a similarpurpose. If all else fails, caffeinated sodas and energy drinks will work, as well. Be sure to pack asnack for class, if your professor allows it. This is will keep your blood sugar up, in addition to givingyou something to do with your hands. The best snacks are high in protein and carbohydrates, sucha granola bars and trail mix. If you are unable to eat, almost all classes with allow water, so bring alarge bottle of cold...

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