

Transcription Style Guide
Rev. 6/10

203 Columbus Avenue · San Francisco 94133
toll-free 877-TIGERFISH

Tigerfish generally follows the style guidelines set out in The Associated Press Stylebook
rather than the Chicago Manual of Style, Words Into Type, or any other recognized source
This document has three sections:

Formatting Standards – Containing information specific to transcription for
Tigerfish, such as standards for speaker identification, formatting documents, time
coding, and so on.
Types of Transcripts – Contains information about the style of specific types of
Usage Standards – Listing some commonly used standards that appear in The AP
Stylebook, as well as some exceptions and additional items that apply to Tigerfish

This is a living document and subject to revision. In addition, you may, from time to
time, receive instructions specific to an individual job based on standards requested from
a customer.

Formatting Standards
Before You Type:
This document assumes that transcribers are using Microsoft Word.
When you begin working for Tigerfish, you will receive a document henceforth referred
to as the Tigerfish Template. It is a Word formatted document on which you are to
transcribe directly. Always use the Tigerfish Template to transcribe unless otherwise
specified on your work order.
Before typing a transcript, please turn off all “Auto Format As You Type” features in
Microsoft Word. To do so, go to the Tools Menu, then Auto Correct, then the “Auto
Format As You Type” tab and uncheck all auto-formatting options.
Under the “Format” tab in Microsoft Word, select “Paragraph.” Set the line spacing
option to “single.”
As You Type:
When switching speaker IDs or beginning new paragraphs, manually hit enter twice.

Tab once between the speaker ID and the text.
Do not embolden, italicize or underline words or phrases for added emphasis.

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