Help on How to Play the Piano

Help on How to Play the Piano

The C key is located on the piano before the 2 black keys. Then all you have to to is do your ABC's from there and you'll find which ever key your looking for. Although music letters only go up to G so don't go past letter G. If you need to do a sharp or flat sharps you go to the right on the black key. If there is no black key for example B the sharp will be C. Same for flats but instead of right you go to the left.

To read music for the right hand clef which is called the treble clef (fancy one) starting from the line at the bottom of the staff that's an E. If you keep going up its the same as the piano-use ABC's. To read the left hand clef (bass clef) the space before the line is an A. Just use your ABC's and you'll be fine. In case you didn't know the sharp is the number symbol (#) and the flat is a lower case B but slanted (b).

Here's random gibberish . =D
ajsdhfjklahsdkfhlakjsfhgjkdhcm,vnbzhlxdufyauildfa dsgihaduifghakrg ;fioauwe;iotya;ertjnd,cbnc,mnzxdklfjas;dgam.,/zm'gijawrogadfg
kahsdkfhkjcvjas;difhai;gyupqweutheritu[eg]aegajdhfghadjfkva'sdfo'weiutq[eruithadifjg'kdfgjknzxcvbzdkjfghkadfg adjkfghiauert zdfgha;dfig
klzsdhfgkzdf gdfjghsz dfhsgfhjiostr hfkhjsfgh daodghsdfgiosudfg sdfgj iosdfjgs fhsfjkgh'iadfi gsiodfg sdkfj sfohi so'idfjioadf g sidofgj sfgh
kl;sdfg isudfgiosdhf gsiodfjgios dihojsrtihuaoeigtr sdifjgiosdfjg aseiroua'[gr iaodjfgioauj'er tgoidgjusiodfgjw ergiusdfiopgj seriogusdf gsioaeurishdfgohsdfgjsipergtousdrkgtl figsdifgiousd fgusiodfug iosuefgo sdiofgu sdfiogusoierutqoerit eqiorgusodfjgscvnbgasiert...

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