

  • Submitted By: nitisha
  • Date Submitted: 11/10/2008 8:10 AM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 1120
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 484

Genome is a combination of two words GENE is segment of DNA containing code for a particular protein and OME which means chromosome which is threadlike structure made up largely of DNA molecules (Myers, 2007). These DNA molecules carry hereditary information. Genome of an organism is a complete DNA sequence of one set of chromosome.
Human genome project is first largest coordinated effort in biological research. (Cooper, N. G. (1994).The objective of this project is to make a map of human DNA which would guide the development of human being from a fertilized egg and to analyze those genes which whose mutations have led to genetic diseases for example Cystic fibrosis which is a childhood onset ,life shortening genetic disorder. This is due to mutation of a gene known as CFTR (Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) (Peters, J.A, and et.al).Human genome project is a thirteen year co-coordinated effort by U.S department of energy and national institute of health sciences. The goals of this project were to mapping of genes in an organism and to determine the sequence of base pairs (A, T, G and C) .The mapping of genes involves finding the specific location of the genes on the chromosome. This genetic mapping is done by two methods Linkage mapping –which gives a relative position of the gene between two genes in a chromosome .This linkage mapping, is used to obtain the overall view of large portion of DNA on a chromosome and select the genes of interest. Physical mapping to determine the absolute position of a gene in a chromosome. Then we do sequencing of base pairs which involves the following steps. Breaking the chromosomes which contain millions of base pairs into short pieces .These short pieces are used as template to create fragments which differ from one another in length by one base pair. These fragments are then subjected to gel electrophoresis to separate them after electrophoresis each sub fragment is located in one of the...