

Need help on my Pride and Prejudice Thesis For My Essay?
Ok, so I am to write an essay which answers two questions:

What does Jane Austen intend her reader to see as the cause of Elizabeth's prejudice?
What does Austen intend to "say" to her reader by portraying (___) as the cause of Elizabeth's prejudice?

This is my thesis statement:

There are many various components in Elizabeth’s life that lay the foundation to her developing prejudice; including her parents, her siblings, her education, Mr. Darcy, and herself, and by portraying these elements as the underlying cause of her character flaw, Jane Austen intends for the reader to comprehend the ideal that we are not defined by the situations we are placed in, but rather our decisions in which we act upon our good qualities and flaws for better, or for worse.

I'm second guessing myself on this thesis, and I can't come up with a better reason as to what Jane Austen intends to say by showing those elements to be the cause of her prejudice.
5 months ago
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5 months ago

Where I was going with that, in order to support my thesis, was to describe the situations that Elizabeth had been placed in, for instance, her education, which was left to each child to partake in their own education, and show how Elizabeth's attitude and actions reveal how her prejudice developed.
Need help on my Pride and Prejudice Thesis For My Essay?
Ok, so I am to write an essay which answers two questions:

What does Jane Austen intend her reader to see as the cause of Elizabeth's prejudice?
What does Austen intend to "say" to her reader by portraying (___) as the cause of Elizabeth's prejudice?

This is my thesis statement:

There are many various components in Elizabeth’s life that lay the foundation to her developing prejudice; including her parents, her siblings, her education, Mr. Darcy, and herself, and by portraying these elements as the underlying cause of her character flaw,...

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