Hispanics American Diversity

Hispanics American Diversity

Hispanics American Diversity

In American society today, there is a mix of culture which spands the whole united states. There is a wide variety of people and their backgrounds. This allows for different attitudes and different views. A major group that has contributed to the changes in America is the Hispanic group. There have been linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial changes due to this rapid change in American culture. Due to the involvement and variety of different cultures, we now have many of the things we have in the United States today .In this paper I will discuss four Hispanic group and the role they place in each of the topics listed.
Mexican Americans
One major influencing group is Mexican Americans. According to the Census Bureau, there are roughly 108,000,000 mexicans living in the united states today. That is almost 1/3 of the U.S population. With that many hispanic people living within the U.S, there should be some kind of linguistic divide. As of 2002, about 23 percent of Mexican Americans are English dominant, 26 percent are bilingual, and 51 percent are Spanish dominant. (Brodie et al. 2002; Bureau of the Census 2003a:158) It has become apparent that the Mexican American Population is rising and will continue to rise rapidly. The language on practically everything you buy, read of see is in both English and Spanish to acknowledge the changes in U.S linguistics.
There is also another major place that linguistics of this culture has had to follow and take place in order to adapt to the changes, and that is education. This therefore leads me into my next topic. Since there is a language barrier, it is a need for bilingual programs in education. There are three different programs to help the better understanding of each other. One of the programs is called Transitional Bilingual Education. This involves education in a child's native language to ensure that students do not fall behind in content areas like math,...

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