History of Human Resource Development

History of Human Resource Development

Since the beginning of time, a need for work has existed for human civilization to survive. During our presentation, we will discuss the transformation of a human from caveman to modern worker. It has been a great journey.

During pre-historic years, humans had a need to develop everything from communication with each other and tools to do work. Things that are of second-nature to us today. By 200 BC, man had developed a series of ways to express themselves via spoken words and written script. The first class systems started to appear before 3000 BC and the first group to elevate above the rest were the tool makers. The invention of tools was a game changer to make work possible and easier, so man could be more productive. With each year that passed, tools were (and continue to be) refined. Most often training was given from father to son. In the late BCs, the tools became so advanced that it allowed for excess production. No longer was day-to-day survival the only means of living and businesses began to appear. (Surplus food for instance) With business came apprenticeships, as a method of training. And in China, Confucius advocates for recognizing teachers as a profession which eventually lead to a professional class of educators. In India, the first handbook on running a state and government was written.

Between 200 BC and 300 AD, the field of philosophy exploded with the great thoughts of Grecians Aristotle’s approach of analyzing the elements of reason and applying those to logic; Plato developed a comprehensive education theory- (reading, writing, reciting literature, music and gymnastics training) while higher education primarily focused on philosophy.

During the Roman ages, we have an interesting juxtaposition of a society that uses the 10 commandments as a moral compass but uses slave labor to build the empire. The business of slave trade is created.

Middle Ages saw a surge in apprenticeship methods as well as monastic education and...

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