History of White Boers and Brtish

History of White Boers and Brtish

History of the White Boers and the British

The Boers where Afrikaans who got their covered wagons and walked North away from the Cape of Good Hope, They wanted to leave because of the English. The English were very rough with the Afrikaans and treated them very badly. Once they even hung some Afrikaners for whipping some kaffirs who had stolen some of their cattle. Another reason that they left was because the British told them that if they freed all of their slaves they would get paid for their loss. So then the Afrikaners sold all of their slaves, but when it was time to get their money the English tricked them and said that their money was in England. So in order to get their money they would have to go all the way to England which was very expensive and even if they wanted they couldn’t afford the fee. This made them dislike the English very much, so in order to leave from all this unfair treatment and trickery the Afrikaners sold all of their land, furniture and packed only what they really needed in order to survive whilst traveling and they left with some of them in wagons and the others walking besides. After a lot of time walking they found new territory but they knew that they weren’t alone so they decided to look around. Whilst looking around they met some kaffirs, these kaffirs took them to their boss and the boss made a deal with the Afrikaners. The boss said that he would give the Afrikaners land that was near the river. Kind of easy thought Afrikaners probably. Soon after the Afrikaners got settled they realized that their cattle were disappearing. Until one day they watched their cattle very well and whilst the cattle’s were grazing the kaffirs would come over and steal them. So the Boers got fed up and started a war. The kaffirs were much more than the Boers but were only attacking with their spears. The Boers had guns which were so match for the spears so the Boers won the war and took over the land.

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