

Banned Book Files - HITMANHitman - Banned Book Files

The Beginning
Disposable Silencer
Chapter 4
Homework & Surveillance
Opportunity Knocks
Get the Job Done Right
Danger, Ego Women & Partners
Legally Illegal
In 1993, a triple murder was committed in Montgomery County by a man who was
alleged to have used this book, Hit Man, as his guide. He was caught and
convicted and sentenced to death. Wanting to profit from their loved one's
murder, and realizing that the murderer himself was too poor to be worth suing,
the family of those killed by the hit man sued Paladin Press , the
publisher of the book Hit Man, saying Paladin Press "aided and abetted" the
May 21, 1999, Paladin Press settled the case, giving the families of those
killed by the hit man several million dollars, agreeing to destroy the remaining
700 copies of the book in their possession, and
surrendering any rights they have to publish and reproduce the work. While the
families were successful in profiting from their loved one's death, they have
not been successful in stifling the book. With the surrender of the publishing
rights by Paladin Press , the book has entered the public domain, and is being
published here.
The book was initially published in 1983. 13,000 copies of the book are now in
existence. There has only ever been one case where the book was associated with
a crime, in that case the criminal had recently finished a lengthy prison
sentence and had a history of prior violent crime. It is our opinion this book
has never incited a murder, that the settlement of the Paladin Press case was
wrong and forced by the insurance company, and that this book, and no book,
should be banned. We invite the public to judge for themselves.
That said, here is Hit Man ...
A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors
Written by Rex Feral

To Those Who Think, To Those Who Dare,...

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