Holocaust Summary

Holocaust Summary

Holocaust Essay

The holocaust which took place in Germany was an extermination of Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and basically all races. The only individuals who were considered pure and part of Hitler’s dream race were those who had blonde hair and blue eyes. At first Jews were thrown into ghettos where they were cut away from the outside world and forced to be enclosed into poverty and death. Food was rarely given to the people and children were forced to search for food and beg the free people for money and other necessities. In these ghettos all kinds of diseases were transmitted because of the poor conditions in which these people were forced to live under. When thrown into these ghettos any property or belongings they owned were no longer owned by them but by the government. After the Jew has gone through the ghettos eventually they were thrown into death or labor camps. In these camps people were either forced to work or had to wait until it was their turn to be killed. A well recognized death camp was Auschwitz and was located in Poland. In this camp they had sign in the entrance which stated in German to work or die. Jews were mostly killed at this time in Gas chambers with a form of Gas called Zyclone B. Millions of Jews were killed during the holocaust with the use of this Gas. At first the Jews were tricked into the gas chamber by telling them they were going to be given a shower. As time passed when certain people realized someone was missing form the shower they realized that they were killed. Because of the lack of food and water many Jews were unhealthy skinny and had weak immune systems because of the lack of certain vitamins. When the Jews realized they were being persecuted all around Europe they began hiding and migrating. The Nazi party had grown and become a dominate figure in Germany and an influence in the government since Hitler took power.
The most important thing about the history of the holocaust is for us a union to...

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