House on Mango Street

House on Mango Street

Mrs. Fisher
Childhood Experience
              In The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, the main character is Esperanza. She and I do not have many similar childhood experiences. We do however have a lot of differences. She and I have had very different lives. She moved a lot and I stayed in one house. She hated her home and I love my home.
Esperanza and I have only three similarities. We both get treated differently inside and outside the house by our siblings. When we get outside my brother Jake thinks he is a cool guy and picks on me, but when we get inside he is nice. Another similarity is that we both have parents that encourage education. Esperanza’s mom really wanted her to stay in school. She left school early because she did not have nice clothes. She did not want her to make the same mistakes. Esperanza’s mom told her, shame is a bad thing, you know. It keeps you down. My mom and dad stayed in school and they both really support me in school “There are two differences between Esperanza and I. First Esperanza hates her home and I like my home. She was embarrassed of her home. On the other hand, I like having people over to play and am proud of my home. I have a lot of space to play. Another difference is that she moved a lot but I only moved once when I was two years old, and she moved at least three times
  In conclusion, Esperanza and I have some similarities and differences between are childhood experiences. She was a person who likes to write about her feelings but I like to go hunting to get read of my feelings.

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