How inequality will affect a nation

How inequality will affect a nation

When there is inequality a nation suffers greatly

Whenever there’s inequality in a nation, it is not at it’s best performance, and most of the time, it will suffer greatly due to the flaw. Inequality comes in many forms - gender, racial, political, social and more. The most common and prolonged type of inequality is the gender inequality. It refers to the unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their genders. Gender inequality started way back from when we know it, whether if it’s the comparison of strength, power, capability or other aspects. It is truly in human nature to compare with one another, and comparisons amongst genders are just one example.

Gender inequality arises from the perception that one gender is more dominant than the other, in most cases, men are perceived as more powerful and capable than women based on their physical capabilities and/or past successions. Therefore, women in certain countries are treated unfairly, with little to no basic human rights from their society. The following are a few illustrations gender inequality is occurring around the world and how it is affecting its nation on the whole in these three factors - economic, health and education, and social.

The economic factor is one of the most crucial in every country, and due to gender inequality, it prevents countries from achieving its potential performance. According to the IMF, closing the gender gap in the labour market would raise the GDP in the following countries by this much: US by 5%, UAE by 12%, Japan by 9% and Egypt by 34%. After further calculations to determine the cost of each GDP gap, it is derived that gender inequality is worth $784.2 billion for the US, $536 billion for Japan, $43.2 billion for the UAE and $96.2 billion for Egypt. It is also estimated that 853 million women worldwide have the potential to contribute more to their economies, and 812 million of these live in developing countries. In first world countries, more women...

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