How Is the Plight of the Jews Represented in W.H. Audens Refugee Blues?

How Is the Plight of the Jews Represented in W.H. Audens Refugee Blues?

  • Submitted By: jojojojojo
  • Date Submitted: 05/04/2011 7:27 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 803
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 373

How is the plight of the jews represented in W.H.Audens "Refugee blues"
Plight: noun, a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation. W.H Auden dose what a good blues song writer would do, take a single central theam and elabrate on it building towards a powerfull last stanza. The main theam of "refugee blues" is the dangerous, difficult and unforchante situation that the jews and other refugees experanced. However auden dose not portray this in the 'normal' mannor, instead of using emotive language he uses a simplistic vocabulary and dose not dwell on the horror of the pain that was inflicted on the jews but choses to portray the over all rejection of the jews and Auden dose not focus on the enormaity of this massrejection but chooses to foucs his pice on what we assume to me a man and his companyon who is only referd to as "my dear". To explore how this period of plight for the refugees portrayed in the powem it is important to consider the sound of the peice, the inotation, imigary, diction, the thesis and finally the fabrication of the peice.
The theam of the powem, on the surface, is one of a couple of jewish refugees being rejected form all aspects of moden soicety. However if we look more closly at some of the stanzas we discover that auden was trying not just to portray the plight of the jewish couple but to portray plight for all refugees, jewish or not. "Dreamed I saw a building with a thousand floors, A thousand windows and a thousand doors;" these two lines from the penultimate stanza symbolise that they were not the only ones being rejected. Stood on a great plain in the falling snow; Ten thousand soldiers marched to and fro: Looking for you and me, my dear, looking for you and me." This is the finnal stanza, this is simbloising the man hunt that occoured for the jews and this encoumpasses how refugees are treated, they are rejected from soicety, then they are hunted down.
The structure of the pice is in three line stanzas. The...

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