How Sandstone formed

How Sandstone formed

One common rock to find a natural gas is sandstone, because sandstone is a type of rock that has porous in it and can clean the dust that want to sucked in through the pipe. It is argued that Sandstone is a sedimentary rock and can be find at continental shelves.
Sandstone is a type of clastic sedimentary rock, which means it composed of grains, rock fragment, rocks, and fossil (69). The texture of sandstone is sort of undistinguished, the grain size itself is in range of 2 mm to 1/16 mm. furthermore, the size of the grain could be helpful since the grain size reflect the historical information of sandstone. For example, if sandstone is deposited in the low energy level then there is a high chance that the grain size would be smaller and that way we know that sandstone is deposited in low energy environment.
The way sandstone formed is almost similar to igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks, it follows the rock cycle. Since sandstone is a sedimentary rock, firstly the igneous rock become disintegrated due to the weathering. Then, the eroded particle transported by wind or water. Overtime, the rock that transported deposited in the bottom of lakes, ocean, and river to form a sediment, as Steno’s principle stated “sediment is deposited in layers that are originally horizontal” (p.67). Followed by constant pressure, lithification, then the sediments gradually become sedimentary rocks.
One common place to find sandstone is in the continental shelves. The continental shelves form a shallow ocean near the shore (p. 84). Beach and delta are two examples of continental shelves. All the sediment that eroded from continents and carried to the sea eventually will come to continental shelf (p. 84). Continental shelf has a shallow water currents, it keeps the coarser particle like sand and silt deposited in continental shelf. One of the common coarse materials is sand.
All in all, Sandstone is clastic sedimentary rock and it is safe to assume that sandstones are...

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