How Successful Was Disraeli’s Handling of the New Eastern Crisis 1875-78?

How Successful Was Disraeli’s Handling of the New Eastern Crisis 1875-78?

The New Eastern Crisis was settled with the Congress of Berlin in 1878, Disraeli was said to brought ‘Peace and Honour’ back to Britain, He seemed to gain a great success in the Crisis. A greatly enlarged Bulgarian state was set up, provided an effective barrier to Russian expansion as British wished. Britain also gain Cyprus in order to defend the Asiatic Turkey. Constantinople was kept away from Russia. However, Disraeli’s support to the Ottoman Empire might be taken wrong in long term speaking.

The Eastern question continued as a problem in 1875-78 for Britain. Disraeli, the Prime Minister of Britain at the time, was fully involved with Europe because of the crisis. He wanted to preserve the traditional British policy to bolster Turkey in the Balkans in order to prevent the expansion of Russia. Secondly, Russia might became a threat to the route to India if the Ottoman Empire declined, it also keep Russia away from Constantinople. British got a large investment in the Ottoman Empire, Disraeli wanted to protected the interest of Britain. Therefore he didn’t wish the Ottoman Empire to decline. On the other hand, he knew that it’s not easy for the Britain to support the Turkish as they mistreat their Christian subject for such a long period. The league of Three Emperor urged the Turks to implement a program of reforms by sending a Note called the Austrian Foreign Secretary Andrassy. To do this, the rebellions might be avoided. The British government decided to do little at this time. However, the situation became worse in the Ottoman Empire, the Three Emperors’ League issued the Berlin Memorandum to the Sultan, they urged him to settle his problems. Disraeli was not supportive towards it because Britain was not consulted by the League when the Note was sent last time, he vetoed the Memorandum. He gave his full support to the Turks and sent British ships to Besika Bay, near Dardanelles. However, Derby, his Foreign Secretary, together with the others...

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