How to Make Drinks

How to Make Drinks

• 5 spirits : tequila , vodka , gin , rum , triple sec
• take me home : (5spirits) + sambuka , lemon , 7up , blue corasay
• bullfrog : (5spirits) + lemon lime , red bull , blue corasay
• long island : (5 spirits) + lemon lime , coke
• kamikaze : vodka , triple sec , lemon lime , 7up
• blue kamikaze : (kamikaze) + blue corasay
• ameretto sour : ameretto , sugar , orange juice , lemon lime
• blue Hawaiian : rum , Malibu , pineapple , blue corasay
• pina colada : rum , Malibu , pineapple , cream
• cuba libre : rum + coke
• margarita : tequila , triple sec , lime
• sex on the beach : vodka , archers . pineapple , little cranberry
• white Russian : vodka , kahlwa , cream
• black Russian : vodka , kahlwa
• cosmopolitan : vodka mandarine , triple sec , lemon lime , cranberry
• tequila sunrise : tequila , orange , grenadine

• b52 : kahlwa , baileys , triple sec
• liquid cocaine : gold shlager , yager mayster
• condom shot : sambuka , baileys
• blowjob : kahlwa , baileys , cream
• slippery nipple : white sambuka , baileys . grenadine
• blue kamikaze : vodka , triple sec , blue corasay
• Pearl harbor : vodka , pineapple . melon
• fuck off : vodka , tequila , gin , grenadine , cranberry
• dudu : vodka , olive , lemon , tabasko , salt
• brain damage : archers , baileys , grenadine
• yagerbomb : yager maister , red bull
Thesis statement: Conquering an addiction is not easy
1. Topic Sentence: Television addiction is no mere metaphor
A: Uncontrollable compulsion to repeat a behavior regardless of its harmful consequences.
B: The classic vacant stare of the TV watcher should also count as prima facie evidence of the medium’s power.

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