How to Motivate Your Child to Learn

How to Motivate Your Child to Learn

Have you ever heard someone say that “ you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink?” Many educators today have come to a frustrated point in the teaching era in today’s times. Getting children motivated to learn is like pulling teeth. So many of our children are not interested in learning. The challenges that children face today are more difficult than what they were in the early 70’s.
More and more children struggle with Math. Basic skills are being replace with other courses that are not as important as other classes. Our children are getting lost in the web of “ I can’t pass it”. With the no child left behind act how can we as educators get our children motivated to learn. Some teachers are thrown into classrooms that they are not prepared for.
For the most part there are some kids who have so many personal problems that they deal with, the focus for getting up to come to school can become difficult. For other children it’s their safe haven away from home. Other children have behavioral problems that they deal with which makes learning another challenge. If teachers presents the material that is being taught in a interesting way then I personally believe that any child would love learning. A course that is diffuclt for a child should be taught in such a way that learning is fun. Here are a few simple rules for teachers to help motivate your students.
1. Emphasize the most critical concepts continously.
2. Provide students with a “visual aid” when possible to explain abstract concepts.
3. Rely on logic when applicable.
4. Use in class activities to reinforce newly presented material.
5. Help students create a “link” when teaching something new.
6. Recognize the importance of vocabulary in a course.
7. Treat students with respect.
8. Hold students to a high standard.

Referrences: The Teacher Professor Published in August/September 2004

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