Hr Issues in Merger & Aquisition

Hr Issues in Merger & Aquisition

{text:bookmark-start} Strengths and weakness of HardPharm {text:bookmark-end}
Strengths: Hardpharm is a financial strong firm, secures maximum profit and it key focus is on shareholders returns on investment. It secures healthy position in stock market.
Recommendations for Cultural Integration {text:bookmark-end}
Unanticipated cultural conflicts are well known to cause merger problems; less well known is the idea that conflict can arise even in the most anodyne situations. Scholars suggest incompatible culture as one of the main reasons for M&A failure. Fralicx and Bolster (1997, p. 50) pointed out that “culture can be a make or break factor in the merger equation”. Supporting this line of thinking, Cartwright and Cooper (1993) suggested that financial benefits anticipated from mergers and acquisitions are often unrealised because of incompatible cultures. Weber (1996) reinforced this by suggesting that the magnitude of cultural differences can effectively impede a successful integration during mergers and acquisitions, resulting in poor overall performance.
{text:bookmark-start} Recommendation for Training and Development {text:bookmark-end}
Disadvantage: Training and development does not occur in a vacuum, rather it is one aspect of an organisation’s activities and exists to support the other activities (Redman and Wilkinson, 2006). If training and development is not handled properly, it results in wastage of time and money.
{text:bookmark-start} Recommendation for Pay and reward {text:bookmark-end}
Paying for performance:A incremental pay sytem with wages/slary system should be based on merit progression
Rewarding Individual Performances:in which increases in base pay bonuses arre determined by individual performance.
Competence related pay: Which varies according to the level of competence achieved by individual.(Armstrong,2002, p.6)
Incentive pay: it is designed to motivate people to achieve higher...

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