HR - Performance Managment Systems

HR - Performance Managment Systems

Performance Management
Richard Harris

What we will be looking at

Purposes of performance management and their relationships to business objectives.
Important components for Performance Management Systems.
Relationships between motivation and performance management.
Factors that need to be considered when managing performance.
Reward within a performance management system.
Total Reward System.
Data required by individuals involved in performance and reward management.

Purposes of performance management and
their relationships to business objectives.

Creates an encouraging culture
Continuous Improvement
Reviewed process
Development of teams
Development of staff

Purposes of performance management and
their relationships to business objectives.
Managers manage effectively

Promotes effective communication
Communicating expectations
Communicating organisational goals
Communicating current performance
Helping to reach staff meet expectations and goals

Purposes of performance management and
their relationships to business objectives.
Individuals know what is expected of them

Employees understand what the organisation wants to achieve
How they contribute to the business
Bring the best out of employees
What is required

Important components for Performance Management

Setting objectives and performance standards

Important components for Performance Management

Agree Competences and Competencies

Important components for Performance Management

Monitor Feedback

Relationships between motivation and performance management

Relationships between motivation and
performance management
Maslow – Hierarchy of needs

Relationships between motivation and
performance management
Two-factor Herzberg theory

Factors that need to be considered when managing

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