HRM 420

HRM 420

HRM 420 Complete Class Graded 100%

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HRM 420 Week 1 DQ 1
Looking at historical claims data is one way to identify an organization’s risk, followed by questions on whether the organization has taken appropriate action to prevent further risk in those areas. Identify several types of HR risks in your employment setting and discuss if current risk mitigation strategies are sufficient.
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HRM 420 Week 1 DQ 2
What are the stated risk management goals of your current HR department? Do you think they are realistic? What would you change and why?
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HRM 420 Week 1 DQ 3
Government agencies set the agenda for social responsibility with laws and regulations. Discuss why you feel these laws and regulations are important and list potential problems with governmental control.
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HRM 420 Week 1 Individual Human Resource Risk Seminars Appendix A
Resources: Appendix A, the Internet, and helpful Web sites:
Research several different HR risk management seminars
Summarize at least five different seminars (these may be presented by the same company). Identify the HR risks the seminar features. Create at least three questions per risk factor you want the seminar to answer.
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