Hs vs Collage

Hs vs Collage

{text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-end} When children are growing up they are enrolled into a high school. After they get their diploma, some move onto college. Despite that both high school and college are educational institutes; there are many differences between the two educational environments.
In high school the classes are set up to start in the morning. The high school that a student will attend is typically close to where they live and the school will provide bus transportation to those who need it. When the bell rings to start the school day there I were given five minutes to get to my class When one class was finished there was always another one to go to as long as it wasn’t the end of the day, even if it was a study hall. At all times each student was accountably for with a set location. When taking classes in high school there is a very limited selection, students are forced to take the standard classes with very few options, even though some students have a specific field they may be interested in. If a student skips a class in high school they would be punished with detention, while if they miss an entire day they are simply marked absent. High school classes are every weekday and there is never a canceled class, only a canceled school day.
Even though both high school and college are educational building meant to teach students, they are very different in many ways. In high school students are looked after and watched as if they were too immature to handle things on their own. In college students are responsible for their own actions and have to make more of an effort in order to pass. When a student is enrolled in college they typically feel a much greater since of freedom and independence than they would have in high school.

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