

Chicken bone experiment expl.

In this science experiment we will make a rubber chicken bone using a clear jar, vinegar,
and a bone. The resulting bone will become rubbery and squishy as we  dissolve the
calcium inside. So let get to it and do the Rubber Chicken Bone Experiment.

Process Rubber Chicken Bone Experiment:
1. Cook up a nice chicken for dinner. Then take one of the big leg bones and wash off all
the extra stuff. Take notice of how stiff the bone is before you start the experiment. The
stiffness in chicken bones comes from the mineral calcium inside. Just like in human
bones calcium makes them hard and strong.

2. Take the lid off the glass jar and fill with vinegar.

3. Drop the chicken bone into the jar and make sure the entire bone is submerged under
the vinegar.

4. Screw the lid on tight and let it sit for 5-7 days.

5. After 5-7 days of sitting remove the bone from the jar.
6. The bone should now be rubbery and bendable with ease.
7. Let's explore what happened. The secret to making a hard bone become squishy is the
vinegar. Vinegar is a mild acid. The acid contained in the vinegar dissolves the calcium
inside the bone. After the calcium has been dissolved away, the bone becomes squishy
and bendable because there is nothing left to keep the bone hard. The only thing left
behind is soft bone tissue. This is a great example of why your parents always ask you to
drink more milk. Milk is a great source of calcium. And calcium makes our bones strong.