Human Capital Concepts Worksheet

Human Capital Concepts Worksheet

Human Capital Concept Worksheet

University of Phoenix

Human Capital Concepts Worksheet
|Concept |Application of Concept in the Scenario |Reference to Concept in Reading |
|Strategic human resource |InterCean is in the process of positioning itself in the institutional and |“Using what is called a |
|management (SHRM) |industrial cleaning and sanitation industry. In order for InterClean to have |“resource-based” view of the firm, |
| |a competitive advantage of their competition, they will need to be trained in|these authors discuss how highly |
| |the complete aspects of the products, not just how they work, but will need |integrated human resource management |
|Competitive advantage |to understand the environmental and regulatory guidelines for their use. This|(HRM) practices can help a firm |
|through the effective |will require additional training, team building and restructuring the sales |achieve a “sustained competitive |
|management of people |department. By creating teams, different skill sets can be utilized to create|advantage” (SCA) in the marketplace.”|
| |a solution that meets their client’s needs. |Dreher & Dougherty, 2001 p. 167 |
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|Change management or |Currently there does not seem to be an issue with resistance with the change |“…for change to take place, the |
|agent |to the new vision, but InterClean needs to keep a watchful eye out for any |change agent must create an imbalance|

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