

We live in a world that, finally, recognizes all religions and beliefs and in which any person can choose his/her religion. People can worship any god; can praise the energy of nature that inspires them without feeling threatened or scared. It is the first time in history when people are not blamed for their beliefs. And we fought for this. But we now try to take this away from the people. We engage in holy wars or public mockery campaigns against the religions that we don`t understand. We shut our minds from knowing more about the people around us, their thoughts and beliefs. And we blame them for being different.
We live in a world that has invented the telephone, internet, and social media so that people can communicate easier. But we have never felt so alone and out-of-touch as we do today. Hidden behind the screens of our computers, tablets, Smartphone, we feel alienated from what the world has to offer. We have stopped looking at nature a long time ago and we have started destroying it without thinking about the consequences.
We live in a world that gives birth to great leaders. But we let ourselves be ruled by a small group of politicians that take the vote of many and make it insignificant. They have the power to change our lives, but they don`t. And we continue to support them considering that we have no alternative.
We live in a world that has created beautiful music, inspiring literature and breathtaking sceneries. But we continue to spend our days trapped behind a desk eight hours a day, dreaming of things that we could do differently in our lives instead of doing those things. We dream of wealth, we dream of happiness, we dream of conquering the world and changing its fate. But we never walk down the path that could lead to those dreams becoming reality.
We live in a limitless world, which has granted us the right to be free and equal and has given us the opportunity to learn from one another. It tried to teach us the differences between us and...

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