Ice breaker read the document

Ice breaker read the document

1) Please read all the instructions carefully on this paper fully before you begin.
2) What is the capital of France
3) What is 8x 10
4) How many light fittings are there in the room
5) How many males are there in the room
6) How many females are there in the room
7) What is the name of the person next to you (if you don't know them ask)
8) Which is heavier 1 kilo of flour or 1kilo of dried fruit
9) Did you have breakfast this morning
10) What did you have
11) What is the capital of England
12) What colour eyes does the person sitting behind you have( if your sat at the back use ask the person in front to turn around) don't be frightened to ask
13) Name three popular sandwich fillings
14) What year did London host the Olympics
15) What is the name of the prime minister
16) Name two characters from the popular TV series TOWIE
17) Stand up and say your name to the group begin “My name is ………..” If someone else is already doing this, be patient, wait your turn. Perhaps carry on with this and pick your moment
18) Find out an interesting fact about another person in the room
19) Which football or rugby or other sporting team do you support
20) How many people in the room are wearing shoes
21) How many are wearing trainers
22) How many wearing another sort of footwear
23) What is today's date
24) Is the tomato a fruit or a vegetable
25) Name two cuts of beef
26) Name three cooking methods
27) What make of phone do you use
28) Find out if any of the group have a dog what is the dogs name
29) Stand up and tell the group your date of birth
30) Turn the question paper over, place your pen or pencil down and sit back. You do not have to complete any of these. Please see the first instruction.

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