1.4 – How Programming Works Glossary

Program: A set of instructions that directs the CPU to perform operations
Instruction – A pattern of 0s and 1s that guide the CPU’s operations
Machine Language – Another name for binary instructions
Fetch-Execute-Decode Cycle – Fetch the instruction, Decode to reveal the operations it will perform, Perform the operation
First Generation Language – Computer programs written with using only 0s and 1s
Assembly Language – Using short words instead of binary numbers for the instructions
Mnemonics – Assembly language uses short words are called this
Second Generation Language – Assembly Language; easier for humans to understand and write instead of machine language
Assembler – A special program that translates assembly language into machine language; which can be executed by the CPU
Low-Level Languages – Machine & Assembly Language. Called this because they require a lot of hardware knowledge
Third Generation Language (3GL) – Allows programmers to create more powerful and complex programs without needing to know how the CPU works nor knowing assembly or machine language
High-Level Languages – 3GL; because it allows programmers to focus on problem solving rather than how the computer works
Keyword – Specific words that have a specific meaning
Operator – Programming languages that performs the languages on CPU (mathematical operators)
Statement – Complete instructions that contain of keywords, operators, punctuation, and other programming languages in proper order to perform the operation
Syntax – Grammar and punctuation
Compiler – A program that translates a high-level program into a separate machine language program
Interpreter – Program that translates high-level instructions into machine language and then executes the machine language instructions right at that point (python)

2. First generation uses binary instructions called machine language (numbers). Second generation uses assembly language (short...