Ict as an Enabler of Socioeconomic Development

Ict as an Enabler of Socioeconomic Development

ICT as an enabler of Socio-Economic Development
Attique Ahmad
PITC, Lahore, Pakistan attique@pepco.gov.pk
Abstract: Today’s is a world of many divides, one of the most typical being the Digital Divide which in itself has given birth to or is worsening other economic and social divides. In this world more suffer and less are able to benefit from technology. This paper fosters the importance and need of international cooperation for use & promotion of information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) trying to bridge the digital divides within countries, regions and the world. The concept of “Information Society” has made it imperative that no country can develop without involving & focusing on regional and global development perspectives. Collaboration has become the key word. When we talk of integrated socio-economic development, it takes into account many areas which can benefit from faster access and enhanced productivities by using ICT in each of these. Some case studies on use of ICT for different initiatives within Pakistan are reviewed and conclusions drawn on how it does support the socio-economic development, which may be similar and bear lessons for many developing countries.

Digital divide is the uneven diffusion of technology and inequality in access to technologies with significant social, economic and political consequences. These may exist between rich and poor countries, rural and urban areas, men and women, skilled and unskilled citizens and large and small enterprises. There are many reasons for the creation of these divides but this is certain if these are not taken care of immediately, the situation for some will keep on worsening till the economies collapse. A snapshot of the digital divides is provided in Figure 1 (a) and (b) for ready reference.

I. INTRODUCTION A formal definition of IT terms it as a broad subject concerned with technology and other aspects of managing and processing information and that it deals...

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