idk by me

idk by me

The cities lights sparkled in the distance, but as dazzling as Sydney was; it was the moon that really captivated me. It sure was picture perfect, like someone had drawn that full moon into the sky, just for me to drink in its beauty one last time. And it truly was beautiful

That's when my foot caught hold of the ledge, a gust of wind encouraging me to jump already. It was almost as though the universe wanted me to do this, like I was never even supposed to exist in the first place.My heart pounded in my ribcage as I raced up the stairwell, being sure to take them two at a time. I needed to be quick. I had to get this over and done with

before they found out I was missing, for this was the only answer-the only way I could solve my problems. And this time I was determinedThe cities lights sparkled in the distance, but as dazzling as Sydney was; it was the moon that really captivated me. It sure was picture perfect, like someone had drawn that full moon into the sky, just for me to drink in its beauty one last time. And it truly was beautiful.

"Figures," I thought out loud. The light was so overwhelming, I had to squint and blink repetitively for my eyes to adjust. And as things slowly became clearer, I noticed the room I was in was white.
So my friend wrote this and let me use it

. The nurse then told me with a dazzling white smile that her name was Kelly, and explained some things to me that I couldn't be bothered listening to considering the pain I was in. Kelly somehow missed that I wasn't paying attention as her pink lips kept moving and annoying voice continued speaking, while she flipped her blonde wavy hair over her shoulders every so often. I continued daydreaming until one sentence she said caught my attention. "Your mother should be here shortly," Kelly informed me, and then continued babbling about

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