If I Could Turn Back Time

If I Could Turn Back Time

If I could relive any moment in my life, it would be going to Camp Lightbulb over the summer. Camp Lightbulb is a week-long summer camp in Provincetown, Massachusetts for teenagers in the LGBT community. I went during the summer before my senior year after getting a scholarship to go through a local youth group I go to. When I got there, I was overwhelmed with complete acceptance and welcome. As soon as I got to camp and to Provincetown, I felt at home. Almost everyone there identifies as LGBT and everyone was accepting and welcoming. We spent the week walking around Provincetown, doing workshops and learning about different things about the LGBT community, and spent time hanging out on the beaches and at the hostel we were staying at. Being able to openly talk to and get advice from the counselors who are also apart of the community was really helpful and it was nice to be able to have an adult relate to me and know what I’m going through. For the first time in my life, I didn’t have to hide who I was and I was fully accepted by my peers. I learned so much about being in the community and what it means and I learned more about myself. I gained life-long friends that I have talked to pretty much every single day since I got home from camp. Going to Camp Lightbulb was definitely the best thing I have ever done and I would do anything to be able to relive the greatest week of my life.

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