Illegal Drugs - Essay 2

Illegal Drugs - Essay 2

People use LSD to produce a feeling of well-being and to change their thought process and personality. All these reasons do not last very long or don’t even happen. The feeling of well-being is only temporary. As soon as they lose the feeling, people will try to get it again by taking more. It will not be as easy to get this feeling because they will grow a tolerance to the drug. By taking this drug you may change your thought process and personality, but it may be a negative change. You won’t have control of yourself because the drug takes over. You might do something that you will regret when the drug wears off.
LSD has many effects on a person. Some mental effects are panic attacks, fear of losing control and distortion of ones sense of time and identity. Physical effects this drug might have on a person is dilated pupils, loss of appetite, and tremor. Long term effects are HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder). This causes flash backs to occur for years after someone has quit.

People use marijuana because it is cheap and has a conveniently timed high. These reasons are not worth using the drug. It may be cheap the first time you use it, but you will develop a tolerance and you will have to buy much more to get the same high. You will spend plenty of money on this drug. Marijuana may have a conveniently timed high, but while you are high you have virtually no control over your actions. In the time that you are high, you may do something that you would not do sober.
This drug also has many short and long term effects. It causes Loss of balance, motor skills, and impaired judgment and hearing. It also increases your risk of lung cancer. All these effects are not worth getting high. You can damage your body just by using marijuana once.
People use meth to increase concentration and self-esteem. Meth does not help your self-esteem or your concentration. Your concentration will only be...

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