

Journal Entry 1 Journal Entry Audra Lundry Axia College of University of Phoenix Journal Entry 2 Today is Monday and I have had another horrible day at work. I have had to struggle my whole life with being treated differently because my skin color is not white. I did not choose to be born African American and I certainly did not choose to be a Woman either. I have the worst of both worlds. Women are looked at as less of a person than a man and African Americans are looked at as not being equal to a White person. I read in a Labor Studies Journal Nissen/Henry (2008) that many companies in Florida had membership in one union and would all get together at an annual Christmas party. At this party one would notice that the leadership was mostly White, except for one Black Vice President. The Black vice president received a much smaller bonus than the White employees. I am glad that times have changed over the years. At least the pay is the same for any subordinate group, but the negative thoughts towards a person according to their skin color still has not changed. I was the first in my family to graduate from high school and I worked so hard to put myself through nursing school. I am so frustrated to think a patient would deny me taking care of him just because I am an African American. I have been a nurse for over 10 years and have much to offer a patient with the amount of knowledge I have. I was born and raised right here in the United States and I speak the same language that man that refused my care speaks. I know the days of slavery are over but they are not forgotten. I am hopeful that as generations pass on that the new generations will slowly change the thought process of society. I am just heartbroken today as I have ended yet another day of being judged because of my skin color. I absolutely could not believe what I was hearing when the charge nurse was telling another nurse and I that we were getting our assignments changed. She said that the...