Importance of the Enlistment Screening Test

Importance of the Enlistment Screening Test

The Importance of the Army’s Enlistment Screening Test

I have been tasked with explaining the the importance of the Army’s Enlistment Screening Test to determine qualifications and why soldiers should update records before I as the Station Commander approve them. The Enlistment Screening Test is a test to determine a prospects ability to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test. We give this test during the conduct of the prospect so that we can determine there mental qualifications. The Enlistment Screening test allows the recruiter the ability to make sure that the prospect would qualify and be able to enlist in the United States Army. This test in critical so that a recruiter does not waste time on a disqualified applicant.

USAREC Message 06-080 states the following:

“Definitions: Appointments made and appointments conducted have been redefined.
No appointments made or conducted will be counted by the station commander unless
they comply with the following new guidelines:

Appointment Made: To get credit for an appointment made, the following
guidelines must be met:

- First and last name obtained.
- Address and telephone number recorded into ARISS.
- Age and education code recorded into ARISS.
- Moral and physical pre-screen completed.
- Appointments with high school juniors and seniors must be
scheduled to be conducted with parents or guardians.
- Date, time, and location of the appointment.

Appointment Conducted: To get credit for an appointment conducted, the
applicant must be mentally, morally, and physically qualified
and capable of enlisting within 90 days. To get credit for an
appointment conducted, the following guidelines must be met:

- Mentally: CAST or EST must be given to every applicant.
Prospects who score less than 31 (or higher as
determined by the commander) will not...

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