Important Moments

Important Moments

Cara Custer
Dec 7, 2008
Period 2

An important moment from my life is when I was little. I always got left out, made fun of, all sorts of things were done to hurt me, and bring down my self esteem.
When I was little I used to hang out with my friend. She was my best friend, but then she moved, so I had no friends in my neighborhood. I had two choices, hang out by myself and be bored, or hang out with my brother and his friends.
His friends were pretty fun, but they did things I didn’t or couldn’t understand. I can’t remember exactly what, but they were really mean. Sometimes they would allow me to hang out with them, but all the time they would make me feel really bad. They would make fun of me and I would be left out. I remember I felt sad, I even felt destroyed, I wanted to cry, but I held it in if I would have cried they probably would’ve made fun of me for that.
I will always remember the one day I really wanted to hang out with them because, they were having a party. So I got dressed and went with my brother. We knocked on their door his friend looked at my brother Bryce then looked at me and started to let us in, but once Bryce was in she slammed the door on my face. I started crying and ran home. At that moment I felt that the world crashed down on my shoulders, I felt it was only hurting me. Then a year or two later we moved and you will never understand how happy I was.
When I think back I regret that I didn’t stick up for myself which I really should have maybe, that would of stopped them from being so mean.
Till this day I try not to leave anybody out or make fun of people. I will remember how I felt and how other people would fell if I did that. If I did I would feel so bad because maybe they felt like they were destroyed to, but just not show it the same way I did.

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