Improving Act Scores

Improving Act Scores

Alyssa Lange
ACT Scores Draft 2
September 29, 2013
Dr. Kelvin
English 11011
Improving ACT Scores and College Preparation
The ACT is something that many high school students do not stress enough about. It is it is one of the main things that they are all eager to scratch off of their “to do list” to get into college, but just scratching it off the list is not enough. I do feel that there are many things that could be done by the teachers however, the students are responsible for their own education and there are many ways they can prepare themselves for this exam also. There comes a point when teachers can only do so much. Every other test and quiz requires studying; the ACT deserves the same effort.
The high school that I attended began to prepare us for the ACT as soon as we started our junior year. That became an issue because a lot of us made our first attempt at the ACT when we were sophomores. Receiving only a seventeen I was discouraged but relieved that I still had more time to improve. Knowing what to expect made the second time easier on me. This second attempt was also during my sophomore year. Again, receiving a seventeen I was worried that I was going to have to lower my expectations for acceptance letters in the future. It was calming to know that the next school year I would have teachers that wanted to help improve this sad score.
Once I became a junior, the teachers that I had stuck to the curriculum that they were given to make sure that we knew what we had to know for this test. The only thing they could do was teach us. They could not make sure we retained the information and studied it in our spare time. It was up to us what we did with what we were given. I feel that my teachers did what they were supposed to do, but this test is for college. If we wanted to impress colleges with these scores we needed to put in the extra effort to do so. I was a little happier when I took the ACT again my junior year and received a nineteen. Still...

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