in the eyes of the animals

in the eyes of the animals

It was a cold winter morning when I woke up. There was a fresh blanket of snow on the ground from the night before. It was 5:30 in the morning. It was the start of duck season. I was so excited for it that I woke up before my dad. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put deodorant on. After that I went and woke my dad up. Then I went into the kitchen. I got a pan out for my hot coco. I filled it up with water and put it on the burner.
I then went down stairs and got my duck hunting stuff. My dad was finally out of bed when I was back up stairs. He was getting the breakfast stuff ready. He asked me, “Do you want the mix or biscuits and gravy.”
“The mix,” I said unsure. So he went and got the potatoes, eggs, and bacon out. After we were dressed and ready, we headed out. We almost forgot our dog Jake. It was about 6:15 now. It took us about five minutes to get there.
When we got there my dog was going ballistic. He was just barking and barking and barking. So my dad hurried out of the truck and put the leash on him. Then he let him out. He started sniffing everywhere. My dad had to still get his gun out. So my dad gave me the dog. He pulled me all over the place. I tried to pull him back over to the truck, but did not succeed. So my dad had to come over and take him from me.
After that, I went and got my gun, loaded it and started walking towards the duck blind. Then my dad motioned for me to get down. I knew what that meant. It meant that there was some ducks. So I crouched down and saw 12 ducks. They were to far away to shoot at, so I just crouched there until they landed. Once they landed my dad motioned for me to walk over to the duck blind slowly.
I was finally at the duck blind. It was still a little dark out. When I was finally in the duck blind my dad told me to go and see if I can see then from the front of the duck blind. I went up there and saw all of them. They were right in front of me. I hurried back to the...

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