Inappropriate Language

Inappropriate Language

Bob Odom
Mrs. Suck
23 January 2009
There are many reasons why the use of inappropriate language in a religion classroom is not acceptable. The most important is that in a religion class, it is important to remain reverent while studying the teachings of God. Another, very important, reason is that the teacher of the class does not want any student to use such inappropriate language. It is important to obey the commands of the teacher, no matter how much the student disagrees with the idea. Doing otherwise results in the writing of one of these papers, which are not very fun. Avoiding the language is the best idea to avoid having to write a paper.
In any life situation, a person may come across people and ideas with which they do not agree. If that person were to choose to ignore or go against those people and ideas, then there could be far larger problems for him or her. Say an employee is told not to use blue pens by his or her boss. If that employee decides to use blue pen, and disrespect the boss’ wishes, then the employee may have a hard time keeping his or her job. In the future, some employers may find language used by today’s generation offensive. If a person were to walk into an interview and use such language, simply because it is the “cool” thing to do, may find him- or herself looking for another job interview. Teaching one to control the inappropriate language they use can help him or her later on in life in many different ways.
If a priest, bishop, or other holy authority were to walk into the classroom at any given time, the use of such inappropriate language would be very disrespectful towards him or her. Being taught to avoid such language and to understand that using it is not right in the eyes of God, it can be hard for such a person to stand to hear it. Anything that would show disrespect in the eyes of such a holy person should not be said in a religion class.
Certain language may be disrespectful to God, such as a...

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