Incident that changed my life

Incident that changed my life

hildhood is a very impressionable period in one’s life. One incident of my childhood is indelibly imprinted in my mind.

From the time I was in standard V, my father was very particular that I should not only study my lessons but also participate in extra-curricular activities. According to his wishes, I participated in various activities at school. However, I could not do anything on my own.

I did not dare to get on a stage alone to make a speech or sing, even when I knew that I had a moderate ability in these activities. My fear was that everyone would make fun of me and that I would not be good enough. One day I came across the line “The valiant never tastes death but once” and thought what a coward I was. I decided that, whatever might happen, I should participate in the hildhood is a very impressionable period in one’s life. One incident of my childhood is indelibly imprinted in my mind.

From the time I was in standard V, my father was very particular that I should not only study my lessons but also participate in extra-curricular activities. According to his wishes, I participated in various activities at school. However, I could not do anything on my own.

I did not dare to get on a stage alone to make a speech or sing, even when I knew that I had a moderate ability in these activities. My fear was that everyone would make fun of me and that I would not be good enough. One day I came across the line “The valiant never tastes death but once” and thought what a coward I was. I decided that, whatever might happen, I should participate in the hildhood is a very impressionable period in one’s life. One incident of my childhood is indelibly imprinted in my mind.

From the time I was in standard V, my father was very particular that I should not only study my lessons but also participate in extra-curricular activities. According to his wishes, I participated in various activities at school. However, I could not do anything on my own.

I did not dare...

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