

July 4, 1776 is an important day in United States History. This is the day when the 13 colonies declared independance from Great Britian. A document was made by men who we know as our founding father's; Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams etc.There where a total of 56 people who agreed and signed the document. This document was made as an explaination of why the seperation of Great Britian and what the people wanted. The document consist of 5 parts. The Introduction, the Preamble, the Indictment, the Denunciation and the Conclusion. The introduction states why we the people wanted independance: taxation without representation, colonist not allowed to speak out aganist the king, not trial by jury of peers, etc. Also the Law's of Nature. The Preamble talks about what the people wanted changed and what they wanted. 3 famous lines on the document state that. "That all men are created equal, That all men have some rights given to them by God, That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The preamble is where The Bill of rights came about and the Amendments. This way if government fails to protect the people, the people have the right to protect themselves by changing the way government. The indictment states all the wrongful things that King George the III, did to the colonist. Some examples of that are, interfering with colonists rights to self government and a fair judicial system, instituting legislation that affected colonies without their consent, increasing taxes on colonist. Overall there were 7 indicment stated in the document. The Denunciation just repeats why they wanted seperation from Britian and how they did everything they can to make this happen peacefully. The conclusion, is a summary of the document and states, "these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown." (decleration of indenpendance).
Because of the...