

India reflections
Cultural performances

During this India trip, on the third day, we were brought to the auditorium of DG NCC camp for a cultural performance put up by the Indian cadets. First thing I saw when I went in was the chairs. There were hardly comfy chairs that had cushion on it, with the exception of some sofas at the front, they were all plastic chairs that were really flimsy. In Singapore, what we picture in our heads when someone speaks of an auditorium is a hall which is cooled by an air conditioner and filled with comfy and soft chairs for us to rest ourselves. There is a vast difference in facilities between Singapore and India. We were then given our seats and we were presented with the Indian cadets' performance. All of their performances were unique and different in their own way, it was really entertaining to watch. However I could see a clear similarity in all of their performances, which is that they involve a lot of stunts and dangerous movements. It is as though they have no regard of their own safety. This clearly depicts how important or serious this performance is to them. I have also observed that at the end of every NCC event, it will end with everyone singing the NCC song. What surprised me was that when it is played, the whole auditorium would sing loudly with pride, I can tell that they are very proud of NCC, to be able to sing the NCC song so loudly. As compared to in school when the school song is played, there is barely anyone singing, let alone sing loudly and with pride. I believe that this is an issue of pride. When one is proud of their identity, they will want to do everything related to it with pride. Pride can actually be portrayed in many ways like the one mentioned previously, singing, some can be through actions like caring for it and commit time to it.

Another thing I observed was that India is very polluted. When we first reached the airport we could barely see the surroundings as it was all covered...