

Cultural Integration:
Integration of migrants or minorities: all aspects of everyday life; covered by the dimensions of political or economic integration. These include language skills and religious beliefs. Integration has different meanings.
The paradox of cultural integration: the most important dimension of integration. On the one hand civic integration policies, which assign the burden of integration to the newcomer, and on the other hand anti-discrimination policies, which assign the burden to mainstream society. Both were one-way policies that should be transferred into a bidirectional policy.
Identity was hard to use against immigrants. This was a positive outcome of this unsolved cultural conflict. It’s really everybody’s job to support integration. Language should be the bridge, not an obstacle. The dominance of language as a major issue of intercultural living.
Crucial importance of education. Cultural institutes are already training teachers to raise intercultural awareness. The training of teachers for intercultural education.
Another problem is the short term view of integration. Perspective of integration is as a long term process with distinct measures, actions and activities in every phase of the process.
In a later paper, Hannerz (1996) argues, that the homogenizing processes associated with industrial-society nationalism were counteracted in the late twentieth century by the dissipating and heterogenizing forces of globalization.
From the cultural integration and its discontents.pdf: The model to be developed speaks to two popular social objectives of our time:
“multiculturalism” and “social integration.” Most variants of multiculturalism aim to
preserve the multiplicity of existing cultures. For their part, social integration
campaigns promote interactions across boundaries of class, ethnicity, religion, and
national origin. Our model describes how cross-cultural contacts generate behavioral
adaptations to improve...

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