Integrity Is Adherence

Integrity Is Adherence

The Importance of Nov, 13
The dictionary says that integrity is adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. To put it in my own words integrity is a person’s ability to tell the truth and someone else is able to believe them. Do you remember the boy that cried wolf? The boy cried wolf when there wasn’t one but he did that so many times that when there actually was a wolf there no one believed him because he lied so many times no one believed him. Same thing applies in life if you do something and lie about it, when people find out about it and they find out that you lied they have a hard time knowing what you are telling the truth about and what you are not that and they don’t know what else you have lied about in the past.
So if you mess up and do something stupid just admit it and take whatever the consequence no matter how big or little it may be. If you do admit that you messed up and not try to make excuses about it then people might still have respect for you even though they might not believe you as often. That and your consequence might not be as bad as it would be if you just tried to lie to keep yourself out of trouble.
In the military integrity plays a big part on what people think of you and whether or not they will believe you about anything you do throughout the rest of your military career. The only way to build up your integrity is to first, not do anything to get yourself in a situation where you would normally lie to stay out of trouble, and second if you do happen to end up in one of those situations just admit what you have done and just deal with whatever comes up due to what you have done.
For example if you are going to be late to work because you forgot to turn on your alarm the night before just say that, don’t try and make some dumb excuse to make it look like you didn’t oversleep. There are always signs that tell others if you are...

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