interracial dating

interracial dating

What is it like to be in an interracial relationship? People are slowly starting to realize that everybody is the same on the inside and that no matter what race, religion, or culture you are, love doesnt matter. Most importantly, we are finally learning that the outer shell of a person does not change who they are on the inside. A poll conducted in 1965 which revealed that 72 percent of whites in the South wanted a ban on interracial marriage. Whites in the north were 42 percent in favor.Since then, the number of marriages has grown significantly. In 1970 there were only 65,000 marriages involving African-Americans and Whites. In 2005, that number had grown to 422,000. Among all interracial couples, they represented two percent of marriages in 1970 according to a Stanford University study. In 2005, that number was up to seven percent of the 59 million marriages in the united states.Many people disagree with interracial dating. They were condemned and also illegal in many countries. Even though as the society grew and some people got over the fact and laws were abolished many people still do not like the fact of interracial relationships. Interracial marriages are on the rise in the United States. From the 1960's to 2015 the rate for interracial relationships has become more likely for the younger generation. You will rarely see the older generation with a different race like you will with our generation. So many people will not agree with the idea of different races having a relationship together. People say that in the bible it forbids interracial dating but no where in the bible does it say that a different race could not be with another race, it states that there is only one race. The saying “what God has joined together” applies here. People who make such a spectacle of interracial dating and marriages are bigots and ignorant. We should be more concerned about the health of the poor or the needs of the elderly than about someone getting married out of...

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