Intro for Prostitution

Intro for Prostitution

is a process of engagement between two persons, both of whom are bound to change through the therapeutic venture. At its best, this is a collaborative process that involves both the therapist and the client in co-constructing solutions to concerns. Most of the various theories covered in this book emphasize the collaborative nature of the practice of psychotherapy
Difference between therapist and technician
Therapists are not in business to change clients, to give them quick ad-vice, or to solve their problems for them. Instead, counselors facilitate healing through a process of genuine dialogue with their clients. The kind of person a therapist is remains the most critical factor affecting the client and promoting change. If practitioners possess wide knowledge, both theoretical and practical, yet lack human qualities of compassion, caring, good faith, honesty, presence, realness, and sensitivity, they are more like technicians. In my judgment those who function exclusively as technicians do not make a significant difference in the lives of their clients. It seems essential to me that counselors explore their own values, attitudes, and beliefs in depth and that they work to increase their own awareness. Throughout the book I encourage you to find ways to person-ally relate to each of the therapies. Applying this material to yourself person-ally takes you beyond a mere academic understanding of theories.
As a counselor, you need to remain open to your own growth and to address your personal problems if your clients are to believe in you and the therapeutic process. Why should clients seek your help if you are a “finished product”? In short, the most powerful ways for you to teach your clients is by the behavior you model and by the ways you connect with them.
With respect to mastering the techniques of counseling and applying them appropriately and effectively, it is my belief that you are your own very best technique. Your reactions to...

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