

Ryan Corrigan Valerie Afam Bryan Irony- Les Miserables Group Project Irony- It is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is discordance between what one says or does and what one means or what is generally understood. Irony is a mode of expression that calls attention to the character’s knowledge and that of the audience. All senses of irony revolve around the perceived notion of an incongruity between what is said and what is meant; or between an understanding of reality, or an expectation of a reality, and what happens. (Works Cited: How Irony Affects the Plot- Coincidences can be ironic, and there are many, many examples in Les Mis were you can find strange coincidences. But here are some that had a large impact... When Jean Valjean is attempting to save Marius by dragging him through the sewers, he is almost out when he comes to a locked gate. There was no way for Jean to escape. Thenardier then appears on the other side and misconstrues Valjean motives as evil and believes that he has assassinated Marius. He then allows him to escape from the sewers. The man who is only out for self gain (Thenardier) helps the man who helps others (Valjean) The pinnacle of irony in this novel is the final encounter between Marius and Thenardier. When the two meet in Marius's home, the two men both have incomplete/inaccurate information concerning Jean Valjean. Thenardier attempts to sell this information to Marius. It is then that Marius is able to put together the two stories and figure out the truth. So instead of Valjean dying alone and forgotten, Marius and Cosette are with him and they know that he was a great man. All thanks to Thenardiers attempt to ruin Valjeans already tarnished reputation. Examples: Jean Valjean's relationship with France- Is at one point one of the most respected men in France as well as the Mayor of a town. When Valjean admits he is the convict no one believes him at first, and everyone is shocked when they...

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