Is It Morally Wrong to Commit Suicide.

Is It Morally Wrong to Commit Suicide.

When asking ourselves whether it is morally permissible to commit suicide, we must first define suicide. There are three types of suicide, firstly knowingly endangering one’s life. Secondly the act of intentionally terminating ones life, and finally intentionally bringingabout one’s death, either by actively terminating ones life, or by not taking the necessary steps to preserve it. This will therefore mean that sometimes we may find suicide morally permissible or impermissible, however it can become circumstantial depending on which type of suicide is being carried out. Many of us have pre-conceived ideas about suicide and its permissibility. This is sometimes due to religion, law, or perhaps even the way it is portrayed in the media. We here about stories often but we must take into account that the majority of us will never know what it feels like to want to end our lives. It therefore makes it hard for us to answer this question immediately. To help us understand this challenging question, we must look at many different views and arguments from different sides of the ethical spectrum. Thomas Aquinas was a catholic philosopher who argued that it’s unlawful to kill yourself for three reasons. (Firstly) “Because everything naturally loves itself, the result being that everything naturally keeps itself in being (...) wherefore suicide is contrary to the inclination of nature, and to charity whereby every man should love himself. Hence suicide is (...) contrary to natural law and to charity, (Secondly) because (...) every man is part of the community, and so such, he belongs to the community. Hence by killing him he injures his community (...). (Thirdly) Because life is God’s gift to man and is subject to his power (...) hence whoever takes his own life, sins against God... For it belongs to God alone to pronounce sentence of death and life.”(T.Beauchamp, ‘Suicide’, In T.Regan(ed.),Matters of Life and Death (New York (etc,):McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition, 1993).p.87.)...

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