Is it morraly necessary to help those in need

Is it morraly necessary to help those in need

It is morally necessary to help those in need because we human beings have a moral duty to help other things in need, unless helping the person puts you on greater or equal danger than the person you are helping. An example of this would be if there was a meteorite rushing down towards an innocent child playing with a toy airplane and you were a medical doctor researching a cure for cancer and you were really close to a breakthrough, you should only help that innocent child if it doesn’t put your life in danger, because if you remained alive you could save more lives with your almost cure to cancer than a small innocent child playing with a toy airplane made by hungry people in poor undeveloped countries. It is also morally necessary to help a person if saving that person will benefit a large amount of people even if it puts your life in danger. An example of this would be if there was a sinking boat and there was only one seat left on the lifeboats and staying on the lifeboat would mean certain death, only two people remained, you, a notorious criminal, and a scientist who is one step away from curing the HIV/AIDS virus, you the notorious criminal, have a moral duty to save the scientist because if that person remained alive more people will can live. Also, the scientist, in a way is more “valuable” than a notorious criminal because the scientist is a hard working person working to find a cure for a disease/virus, while you (a notorious criminal) are working hard to steal other people’s possessions and killing innocent women and children as blackmail to a hardworking family man.

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