

Human Behavior 101
Jack Morelos
April 23, 2015
Karen Yarber
What comes to your mind when you hear the term psychology? There are many people that link the term psychology with people who suffer from a mental illness.
However, the proper definition for psychology is “The scientific study of behavior and mental processes” (Coon/Mitterer F. M. (2013).

Human Behavior 101
Human behavior has been studied since the late 1800’s by scientists who later earned the title of Psychologists. Before psychology evolved into the study of human behavior, scientists wondered and debated on how to study the human brain in an intact state. Wilhelm Wundt was one of the first to accept that idea as impossible, which is why he became known as “the father of psychology “we naturally possess (Coon/Mitterer F. M. (2013). Many psychologists developed theories that later became branches of psychological study such as the humanistic perspective, behaviorism, structuralism, and humanistic. Humanistic researchers believe that genetic relation is caused by internal forces. Many psychological practices still consider the effects of nature and nurture in human behavior, decision making, and behaviorism creating a genetic relation that affects human behaviors and their actions.

“People have been informally observing human behavior and philosophizing about it for thousands of years. I n contrast, psychology’s history as a science dates back about 130 years to Leipzig, Germany” (Coon/Mitterer F. M. (2013).Wundt pioneered the idea that human behavior can be studied by observing their behavior; behaviors that would influence a rise in stimuli. Physical forces of energy cause stimuli levels in humans by reaching multiple senses (sight, smell, sound, feelings etc.).

Psychological Science1
Wilhelm Wundt pioneered the idea that human behavior can be studied by observing their behavior; behaviors that would influence a rise in stimuli....