IWT task 1

IWT task 1

Humanities (UG, IWT*-0710)
IWT Task 1
Michelle Mason

Renaissance also known as rebirth was the movement between late 13th century and 17th century. It was the era after the Middle Ages and before Modern History. Italy was the starting ground for this era that soon spread throughout Europe. This was a time of intellectuals studying and improving secular world with new ideas and approaches to life. (The Renaissance, 2015).
Music is one of the disciplines of the Renaissance era and has vast characteristics. Madrigal, mass and motet were different forms of music born during this era and mostly it consisted of vocal groups, up to an eight person ensemble and the instruments used for solo performances where harpsichord and organ. The musical rhythm in this era was complexed and polyphonic textures were used to blend voices. Harmonies were developed using triads and sixths for blending voices and instruments. Range of melody was increased and a movement of smooth consonant with small conjunct intervals was created. (Medieval & Renaissance, 2015).
The social conditions in the Renaissance Era was of wealth and prosperity. Cities were growing at a fast rate due to increase trade and taxes. Four social classes developed during this era and consisted of Nobles, Merchants, Tradesmen and Unskilled workers. Roman Catholic Church was considered the spiritual head and the Roman Emperor was the political head. Conflicts began due to the Church wanting to rule everything. Wars began in Europe and during this era two memorable and profound wars were the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) and War of the Roses (1455-1485). (Social and Economic Changes, 2015). During the Renaissance period people longed for peace and prosperity.
Harlem Renaissance was the rebirth of Harlem during the 1920’s through 1930’s. This cultural movement was also known as the “New Negro Movement”. (Harlem Renaissance, 2015).
The main characteristic of the Harlem Renaissance movement...

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