Jane Eyer

Jane Eyer

"Jane Eyre" was, undoutebly, one of the best books I have ever read. The story follows a plain, orphaned girl through her life--from living with evil and unloving Aunt Reed to falling in love with Mr. Rochestor, the mysterious owner of Thornfield Hall. Not only does this book cover every genre (romance, drama, horror, even a bit of humor) it twines it all together beautifully, creating a captivating story that will make you gasp aloud.

The books opens with none other than an evil John Reed tormenting poor Jane. He lands her a blow, (I mean, who beats up girls?!) and Jane, being passionate as she is, decides to fight back. That lands her in the Red Room, which she believes to be haunted. She is disturbed, scared, and quite alone. You can't help but feel sorry for the poor thing as she relates her troubles to you.

And then you are intorduced to Lowood, an easily-despised institution for girls. Jane is glad to be sent away from her malicious Aunt Reed (who wouldn't be?) but her past troubles follow her. Mr. Brocklehurst, the terrible owner of this school, has no sympathy for the small, nine-year-old girl without love. Here her patience, obidience, and true character are tested. You grow to love Jane in these chapters, and feel for her despair.

The years pass, a friend comes and goes, and suddenly Jane is eighteen. She's now a teacher at Lowood, and sends out an add to be a governess. The reply comes soon; one is needed immediately at Thornfield Hall. Jane packs her things, climbs into the coach, and does not look back at her troublesome past.

Right away Jane is fond of her new home, and the little french girl, Adele, who she is to teach. She wonders about the owner of Thornfield, the vague and mysterious Mr. Rochestor who never seems to come around...

She mistakenly meets him on a walk; his horse falls, she aids him. When he returns to Thornfield, she is surprised to find the stranger she helped assuming a position of authority at the home. She gets...

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