


The exam is split into 3 questions:
Q.1 is a pure methods section which contains two parts a) 12 marks and b) 21 marks. You should spend 45 minuets on this question.
Q.2 is a method in context question. Part a) is for 9 marks [could also be a 3 and 6 mark question] and part b) is for 15 marks. You should spend 30 minuets on this question.
Q.3 is a theories essay for 33 marks. THIS QUESTION IS SYNOPTIC! You should spend 45 minuets on this question.

Below is a list of all the areas and studies you need to know for each section of the exam. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the studies, each college/school are likely to teach slightly different ones, just make sure you know about that amount for each section.

For the first two pure crime parts you need to know:

Functionalist theories of crime and deviance
Durkheim – Social control, social regulation including suicide
Merton-Strain theory, blocked aspirations
Cohen – Status frustration
Cloward and Ohlin – Deviant subcultures

New Right/Right Realism
James Wilson – Strict law enforcement needed
Wilson and Kelling – Broken windows, zero tolerance
Murray – Cultural deprivation, single parents and ineffective, the underclass
Erdos – Families without fathers

Subcultural theories
Cohen – Delinquent subcultures
Cloward and Ohlin – Delinquency and opportunity, criminal, conflict and retreatist subcultures
Willis – pupil subcultures (learning to labour)
Patrick – Gang culture (Glasgow gangs)
Humphreys – Gay subcultures and covert participant observation
Miller – Focal concerns, lower working class male subculture
Matza – Delnquency and drift, techniques of neutralisation, subterranean values

Marxist theories of crime and deviance
Gordon – Criminogenic capitalism, ideology, crime as a working class problem
Chambliss – Corporate/white collar crime, e.g. Bhopal disaster
Box – Selective law enforcement practices
Pearce – Crime, power and...